Friday, September 08, 2006

Hailee's First Word

Today Hailee said her first word. She has been doing the "Baby Babble" thing for a while now, but everything is indistinguishable, sometimes what she says sounds like words, but they really aren't. Today was different, what she said was very clear and it was even in context, and she did it again so there was consistency.
Hailee and Brooke were just about to leave the house so I said "Goodbye Hailee" and she said..."Bye". Brooke and I looked at each other and started to praise her, she looked at us like we were crazy. It was a big occasion for us, but she wasn't really sure what the fuss was about. Then I walked down to the garage as Brooke was putting Hailee in her car seat, I said goodbye again and she said bye again. So we are counting this as her official first word. She is really close with a few other words as well, Mom, Dad and Hello.
So next time you say goodbye to her, she just might respond.

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