Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Best Christmas Song Ever

I've found a new favorite Christmas Song and for anything to surpass a Something Corporate song for me is a huge deal. It's from Relient K called "I Celebrate The Day". I get teary every time I listen to it. It's on my playlist, so check it out.

1 comment:

Jay and Mel said...

I love all of the songs that you put on. Also, I read through your potty training philosophy and I love it. Lennix is very close to wanting to be potty trained so we'll see what works for us. Also, I just emailed Mindy and I wanted to get together with you guys before I left on Christmas Day. I know it's short notice but if you want to go to lunch today or in the next couple of days, let me know what your number is and I will call you and we can set something up!! I hope I get to see you.