Monday, December 28, 2009

Hailee's Birthday #1

We have birthday "week" at our house. There are just too many people that love our kids! For Hailee's family birthday party, she wanted to have a Snow White party. I'm not sure why she's been so into her lately, but she just loves everything Snow White. Disney doesn't really do individual princesses, so I couldn't find anything with just Snow White. I decided to just do a red, yellow and blue theme. With everything in those colors, Hailee thought it was a perfect Snow White party!
I attempted another cake for her (which enhanced the theme), although it was unfortunately inedible. I attempted my first cake for my kids for Jake's party and you can see that one here. That one worked out very well! Hailee's did not. You think I'm kidding, I'm not. I actually had to go buy a cake from the store for everyone to eat. I'll post more about that disaster on my food blog (a post about what not to do). It looks pretty though and I think that's all that mattered to Hailee anyway.
I had Ty driving all over Utah that day to try to find seven little dwarves to put on top of the seven little cupcakes, but he was unsuccessful. Seriously, you'd think that wouldn't be hard to find, but it's always more difficult to find something when you actually need it. So, he came up with a solution that Hailee found perfectly acceptable. I thought it turned out pretty cute.
Playing some fun games. She looks like she's having fun, right? Well, she was until we played musical chairs (which she had never played before). She didn't get a chair on round 1 and had a major meltdown right there. When I went in her room to talk to her, she was beside herself...(between sobs, you know the kind) "there...weren't...any...chairs...left...". So, lesson learned for mom...make sure you explain how the game works to the kid before you submit them to it.
All the guests hanging out at the party.
Opening presents. This part of the evening did not go so well. I think with all the chaos and all the people, she was just completely overloaded. She was terrible during the gift giving, throwing money on the floor "I don't like money", "I don't want clothes". I almost took the rest of the presents away, but everyone wanted her to open the present they brought. It was another learning experience for both mom and Hailee after that one. Luckily she hasn't acted like that since while receiving presents. I've told this awful story to several people after the incident and was repeatedly assured that all kids do that at some point. Why does it make us feel better to know that other people's kids sometimes act like brats too? Maybe then because it means it's not our fault, it's just that they're kids? We can tell ourselves that anyway. I still find myself cringing every time she opens a gift now, but she's been pretty good ever since.
She found a very efficient method of opening presents wrapped in bags. Oy...After the party, she decided to move all the balloons to her room, where they remained throughout the week. Reminds me of last year, except all the balloons moved from the party into the bathroom so we could begin our "potty party" (which I think lasted a few months??).
Happy Birthday sweet Hailee. I love you very much!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

At least she liked our presents! haha! No, seriously, it's all about learning social skills, and she's doing great! Perfectly poised and gracious with all her Christmas gifts.

Whitney said...

I love her room!