Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Primary Chorister

My mom was recently called to be the primary chorister in her ward and absolutely loves it! She has always been so very creative and is one of those people that does everything 110%. Two traits I wish I had gotten from her, but didn't. Anyway, she decided to start a new blog to share her ideas with other people with the same calling (although some of these ideas could even be used for different callings). Just go check it out and you'll see what I mean by 110%. You cannot believe the effort she puts into things. I'm sure the kids (and their parents) are very happy to have her in this calling! Here's the link to her site: Music For Primary.


Joni said...

That's awesome, Brooke. Of course I saw the title of your post and had to check it out. I'll have to pass this along to Sis. Christensen.

Unknown said...

Ah. . shucks, Brooke. Thanks for the kind words.