Saturday, April 24, 2010


Our poor little family has had a rough season with being sick. It's almost starting to be
pretty ridiculous. After my most recent illness, I started counting up how many sicknesses we've had in our little household this winter. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that I counted 22!

Beginning in October through today we've gone the rounds with everything here and not just little colds here and there, but some really yucky stuff. Hailee and Ty have both had strep throat, at one point Ty had bronchitis so bad he had to get breathing treatments because his oxygen level was so bad. Jake got this weird rash that lasted for two weeks. Hailee had an ear infection that we found when I took Jake in for his rash and she told the doctor her ear was hurting. He took a look and sure enough! Jake got pneumonia (and a chest x-ray for a baby is pretty much the saddest thing I have ever seen). When he went in to follow-up on that to make sure it was gone, they found an ear infection. Hailee got a 24 hr. pukey flu bug (that's the technical term) in AZ. I came back from AZ with a bad cold and gave it to everyone in my family. Jake has had pink eye and most recently an ear infection and sinus infection. I just found out I have strep throat. So there's a handful of what we've experienced this winter. We're all so pumped full of antibiotics, I'm surprised they still work on us!

So....As much as I enjoy the winter, we are definitely ready for some warmer weather. Hopefully at some point, all four of us can be healthy at the same time!


Mindi D said...

I learned a interesting fact while in the hospital with Libbi.. when you are on antibiotics, they actually kill the good bugs AND the bad bugs. So when you are on them you are more likely to catch something else. That could be some of the problem :) Dinner?? Soon??

Marcy said...

Sorry to hear about all your sicknesses. We can relate at the Johnson household. I stopped counting a while ago. We haven't had major sicknesses but enough to keep our children "inactive". Jesse and i are both fighting off colds and I'm hoping this will be the last of it. Same to you! Get well soon!

Unknown said...

You guys, seriously, need the teak board. However, even WITH the amazing, coveted teak board, Greg managed to obtain bronchitis. Me...nothing. Keep fingers crossed.