Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Message Of Hope For Those Who Choose To Hear It

Ok, so here are my thoughts about the Tool show last night. I know most of you don't care or aren't fans, so I will keep it short. (For non Tool listeners, the title of this post is a Lyric)

The setlist was excellent, they played my two favorite songs (*) and at least one song from each album. For those interested, it was as follows.

The Pot
46 & 2 (*)
Jambi (*)
Lost Keys
Rosetta Stoned
Faaip De Oiad

They played for two hours straight to a sold out crowd at The E Center. Tool never does an encore, in place they have a 5 minute break toward the end of the show. They usually sit on the stage and relax as the crowd cheers for more. The lighting, lasers, effects and visuals were very cool and fun to watch. They played on a polished, white stage (Anyone who walked on the stage wore booties over their shoes) that served as a screen for projectors on the ceiling. It made for a really cool effect. There were also screens and lights behind them that displayed images, patterns and all sorts of colors. The music was superb and sounded excellent. Tool is known for playing just as well live as they do for their studio recordings.
We had great seats that were close enough to see all the detail we wanted, yet high enough up to enjoy the visuals on the stage. I went with The Fronk Brothers (Rhett, Scott and Mike) and we had a really great time. The arena was packed and full of people from all walks of life. Tool seems to bring out a very broad range of fans.
I recommend anyone who is even a moderate Tool fan to take the chance and see them in concert while you can. They don't tour often and after going to hundreds of concerts, they really are the best live band I have ever seen.
Here are some pictures taken from last nights show. Someone took them from a cell phone, so the quality is not great, I will replace them with better pictures if I can find them.

Our stage, setup and visuals were similar to these pictures below (From a show earlier this tour) as well as the picture I posted yesterday.

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