Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Are we crazy?!

I didn't know I had my camera on the wrong setting this day, so sorry about the wacky colored pictures. It is kind of a true indicator of the day though. I think we were crazy. Lagoon opened this past Saturday, so we just HAD to go. It was freezing cold and raining. You can see the wet ground in all the pictures. I was actually surprised by how many people were there and how they kept all the rides open even in the rain. It was hilarious. After a couple of hours of freezing, we decided to go home and thaw out. We had a good time though.


Matt and Elisa said...

I think you might be crazy! No I bet it really was a lot of fun. Short lines at least. How'd Jake do?

Brooke said...

Actually Jake did awesome! When he was awake, he was just totally distracted looking around. Then at his normal naptime, I just laid him down in his stroller, wrapped him up in blankets, and out he went!

Jamie said...

You are crazy!! Glad you got passes though, we'll have to meet up with you next time (when it is warmer)!