Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Princess Party Part II

Here is the second part of the princess party I posted about here. My mom put on this awesome party for Hailee and Addy. Here they are playing "pin the crown on the princess".
This was a funny game. We wrapped up their legs with green crepe paper like they were mermaids and they did hopping races.
My mom always makes the coolest cakes. Here is a picture I took after the kids got to it, hence the leaning tower!
This lunch was awesome. The sandwiches were cut out in shapes like crowns, glass slippers, princesses, etc. It even got some of the more apprehensive eaters to dig right in. We also had yummy little fruit kabobs.
Here's my mom explaining about magic pixie dust.
All the girls.
Thanks to my mom for putting so much time and effort into the party, it turned out so well and everyone had a great time!

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