Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bear Lake Friend Trip

At the end of August, I went up to Bear Lake with my friends. These pictures will look familiar to all of them since I forgot my camera, so I had to steal the pictures from their blogs (thanks guys)! We had a great time. It was just a nice relaxing trip. There were a TON of people in one house, but amazingly, it worked out really well! All the kids got along great and the adults just hung out and chatted.

The first night, some of us met at Bear Lake Pizza. This was quite an experience! We quickly realized we were completely outnumbered by children in a big way! You can see in this picture, there are 4 adults and 11 kids! At the cabin, we had 8 adults and 14 kids altogether, crazy!
I love this picture. Every one of us has a baby on our lap! And they're all boys! It wasn't even staged. From left to right, there's Sherice, Sunnee, Me, Jamie and Erica.Ty was a good sport to pull the kids around all over the lake:)
Here are some of them hanging out in the loft and ya, that's Hailee tipping over (or being pushed over), but all in good fun, of course. She looks like she's having fun, right?
Erica brought some crafts for them to paint.
It was a fun time and just nice to hang out and talk with my friends. Thanks guys, we should do it more often!

1 comment:

JaLesha said...

Hey Brooke! Found your blog through Whitney's and thought I'd take a peek. I had to say how cool that picture at the beach is of you with your friends and all those boy babies!! Do you each have one all super close in age then? So fun!