Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Grandma & Grandpa Time

I have a few things I've been wanting to post for a long time that I've been putting off for various reasons (one of which is described in my previous post). Maybe the other reason is because I never continue with anything consistently. I go on a blogging kick for awhile, then I go off it just like everything else I do (it's genetic). Nothing wrong with that. Rest assured the guilt of not blogging is still there though. I've got that darn obnoxious emotion in every aspect of my life, usually revolving around irrational and trivial "rules" I set for myself. Anyway...I digress.

This post is really about a fun little activity my mom and dad did while we were visiting in AZ. My mom wanted a way of being able to spend some one-on-one time with the grandkids during our trip. Extra bonus, it gave Kaleena and me a break for awhile (ok, I admit it...the activities were so intriguing that I couldn't help but participate in them too. It's only now in writing this that I realize I pretty much defeated the whole purpose of my mom's reason for doing this. Sorry mom!).

So, every evening she would pull out one of these bags.
In it was an activity they would do together. The first day was nail stickers and clear nail polish. You can imagine how well that went off. Two four year old princesses? Come on.
The second day was markers and stickers to color. I'd never seen color them yourself stickers. Lets just say this isn't the last time she's used them, I've had to replace them on a regular basis.

The third day was making candy. That was so much fun, the girls absolutely loved it!
On the last day, the bag included some big huge crayons. They took paper and used them to go outside and get rubbings. I actually did take advantage this time to enjoy some time alone, so all you get is this picture of some rubbings. :)
I just thought it was such a cute idea and wanted my mom to know how much I appreciate her thoughtfulness in creating such great memories and experiences for the kids. Our kids are so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents!


The Shreeve Family said...

I'm so proud of you for back tracking. If I miss a month I forget about it. It was fun looking at these pictures and remembering your time here.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the thanks! It was a lot of fun doing stuff with the girls. I love this age....they like EVERYTHING.

Jamie said...

What an awesome grandma!! Looks like a lot of time and effort was put in that! I do have to say that Hailee reminds me so much of you! Her poses and everything just remind me of her mommy... too cute!

Whitney said...

HOw fun!

Sherice said...

What a fun idea, and I love the cute bags they were in too. Very clever. Those are memories that will definitely stand out in their little minds. Your parents are awesome!

p.s. I had a blast with you guys the other night!! I heart Edward!!