Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged to do this from my friend Marcy's blog...

4 jobs that I've held...
1. Claire's Boutiques (Ear Piercing Specialist--I practiced a couple times on a teddy bear)
2. Subway (Sandwich Artist)
(They sure have a way of making job titles sound fancy, don't they?!)
3. CNA at ManorCare
4. Women's Services Manager at McKay Dee Hospital

4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over....
1. The Shawshank Redemption
2. Fools Rush In
3. Christmas Vacation
4. Bluestreak

4 Places I've Lived....
1. Washington Terrace
2. South Ogden
3. Washington Terrace (again)
4. Clearfield
(Wow, I haven't even lived in four different places)

4 T.V. Shows I Enjoy...
1. The Office
2. King of Queens
3. Scrubs

4 Places I Have Been On Vacation...
1. Hawaii
2. Mexico
3. Alaska
4. Florida

4 Favorite Foods...
1. Chips & Salsa
2. Taco Salad
3. Haystacks
4. Any Deep Fried Vegetables

4 Websites I Visit Frequently...
1. My Email
2. My Blogs
3. Food
4. America

4 Places I'd Rather Be Right Now...
1. Hawaii-Learning to Surf
2. Alaska-In the Mountains
3. Mexico-Lying on a beach drinking Pina Colada's
4. Hanging out with friends just chatting about nothing like girls do.

4 blogger buddies to tag...
1. Amy
2. Juline (C'mon Jeff, work on this one for me, would ya?)
3. Jeff-I'd tag you, but your 100 things is even better.
4. Ty


Jeff said...

Does this mean that I have to reply with the same info? because I will, and I will make juline do it to.

Unknown said...

I think you are supposed to post it on your blog. And make Juline post on your blog as well. But if you want to post it in the comments here, please feel free.