Monday, June 25, 2007

What do babies dream about?

Have you ever wondered what babies dream about? Well, the other night we went into Hailee's room before bed to watch her sleeping and she was talking in her sleep. If you haven't heard of "The Wiggles", they're Hailee's favorite singing and dancing group. In Hailee language, they are called "Giggles". She was mumbling a bunch of things we couldn't understand, but she kept repeating "giggle, cookie...giggle, cookie". So, I don't know about all the other babies in the world, but ours is dreaming about "The Wiggles" and cookies :)


Veronica Reeve said...

That is the cutest thing I've ever heard. Oh, and the cutest picture. Sleeping babies are the sweetest!! Love your blog!

Jeff said...
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Jeff said...

Them dang wiggles are like crack. I think my favorite song is hot potato, Adi knows all the words and sings it all the time.

Ty e mail me your home address don't ask why, but I have something for you that you might like.

Jeff said...

Is this blog dead ? I hope not. Ty I never got your address and I have a dvd quality copy of the 300 that I wanted to send you. Its out on the 31st.

Have you seen the new Harry? I am picking up the book here in a hour or so.

Unknown said...

Sorry Jeff, I have tried to email you at three different email addresses, and none of them work. They all come back to me. Send an email to me with your correct email tygut1@gmail(dot)com
The blog isn't dead, I have just been busy and lazy at the same time, not a good combo for blog posts.
We saw and loved the new Harry Potter, both Brooke and I. The new book is good so far as well, I am only 160 pages in though.