Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I've Been Tagged!!!

I've been tagged to do this from my wife Brooke, on my own blog...(See Below for Brooke's)

4 jobs that I've held...
1. Prodigy Internet Technical Support
2. Movie Theater Usher (Broadway Cinema in Salt Lake)
3. Technical Services Support Representative at America First (I am sure you have no idea what that means, it's OK, neither did I)
4. Project Manager/Drafter at DCA (Architect Firm)

4 Movies I Can Watch Over and Over.... (I could list way more than 4, but I won't)
1. Almost Famous
2. Fight Club
3. Saving Private Ryan
4. Indiana Jones - Any of the 3.

4 Places I've Lived....
1. Riverdale
2. Canada (Several Cities and Towns)
3. Washington Terrace
4. Clearfield

4 T.V. Shows I Enjoy... (Again I could list more than 4, but I will spare you)
1. The Sopranos (The clean one's on A&E are great)
2. Lost
3. The Office
4. The King of Queens

4 Places I Have Been On Vacation...
1. Mexico
2. Alaska
3. California
4. Utah

4 Favorite Foods... (None really, but if I must)
1. Steak
2. Pier 49, BBQ Chicken Pizza
3. Maple Garden's
4. Mashed Potatoes

4 Websites I Visit Frequently...(I spend too much time on the Internet)
1. Gmail/Google
2. Digg
3. My Blog

4 Places I'd Rather Be Right Now...
1. Hawaii-Learning to Surf (Ditto from Brooke's! "October")
2. Riding My Bike, Anywhere, Road or Mountain.
3. Back in Puerto Vallarta, on The Beach with Ice Cream Melting Down My Hand.
4. Alaska, Summer Hiking or Winter Snowboarding.

4 blogger buddies to tag...
1. The Donahoe's
2. Kirk
3. Rich (If he ever uses Veronica's Blog)
4. Blake and/or Kaleena


Marcy said...

Thanks for participating guys! It's fun to hear some new stuff about you.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I checked your blog and there is something there about me doing something...Are you trying to get me to make a post on my blog??

Unknown said...

Trish, you ca do the "Tagged" thing if you want, I picked those of you who hadn't done it yet. It's been going around the "blogs" lately so I thought I would pass it along. It has been a while since you made a post however.