Monday, July 23, 2007


So for those of you who actually stop by and read this blog every once in a while, I apologize for my delinquency. Brooke and I have been really busy lately and the blog sort of fell through the cracks for a while.
So here is a little update on what we have been up to.

Bear Lake
We spent the weekend, last weekend, in Bear Lake. We had a really good time, we played on the beach and did all sorts of fun water activities. The weather was great, despite a little wind. We just got back yesterday, so hopefully we can get some pictures posted soon. We were lazy and didn't actually take any, but we know that the paparazzi (Cami, Krista and my Mom) were out in full force so we will get copies from them.

Harry Potter Mania
Brooke and I both saw Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix movie, we both thought it was really great. It was a difficult book to adapt into a movie, but it was good and it got me really excited to get the book over the weekend. We were in Bear Lake all weekend so I only was able to start reading last night, Deathly Hallows is really good so far though. There has been a lot of Harry Potter going around the past couple of weeks, Brooke is even trying to pick up where she left off with Book 5. I may get around to a review of the latest movie, we'll see.

The Tour De France
If anyone has been watching, I think it has been a really good year for the tour. It's been exciting and I still don't see any indication of a clear winner. There are so many strong riders and a lot of really good stages still to come so if you haven't started watching, give it a try. I have been staying up late watching each day's race, usually I just catch the highlights, but it's been a really exciting year.

Family all over the place
We have been having a lot of fun family activities, swimming, BBQ's, Birthday Parties etc... Lots of our family lives out of state and everyone decides to come visit during July, so we have been trying to cram a lot of time with our families while they are here. Brooke's Brother Blake arrives into town tomorrow, so we will get to spend some time with The Shreeve's.

Brooke and I both have our Birthday's within a week of each other. It proves to be a fun time every year, parties, dinners and gifts. I still can't believe that I will be 30 next year. Is it too early for a mid life crisis? Time just goes by so fast, Brooke turned 27 and I think we both still look like teenagers, I guess that's a good thing?

There is lot's more that we have been up to, it's been a crazy July and I can't believe that it's almost over. So I will try to post more often and hopefully Brooke can post more as well.

Hailee in Pictures
Here are some pictures of Hailee to update you on what she has been up to. Click for larger versions.

Hailee loves to play in her sandbox we made for her in our backyard.

The first toy Hailee loves to play with outside is always her car. As soon as she sets foot in the garage, she runs right to her car. She loves to push it around and ride in it.

Her first ever Otter Pop

Taking a break and sleeping.

We have to wash off all of the sand that gets everywhere when she plays in her sandbox. She has turned into one of those kids that comes home filthy every day, not matter where she has been or what she has been doing, there is always dirt and stuff everywhere.

Taking a short break during our fun swim day for Father's Day.

Trying out her new bike seat that I received for Father's Day. She loves to sit on back and ride with me, her seat even has shocks to make it more comfortable. It's fun and every once in a while she just reaches up and pats me on the back.

Bonding with Jasper.

Brooke took Hailee for her first ever movie, now they have been to a couple of them. Brooke said she just kept saying "Wow".

Hailee loves to cook with Brooke, now you can see why.

Trying out a new fancy hairstyle.

And now for many July 4th pictures.

Hailee enjoyed the parade, she wasn't sure exactly what to think of everything, especially the loud fire engines. But she loved to run through all the crowds, up and down the side of the street.

She did enjoy the little train ride as well, as hot as it was she still had a really good time.

I am not really sure if she enjoyed the big slide. It was fun for me, but if I zoom in on this picture, she has a look of shock on her face. It's a little bit funny.


Jeff said...

Very nice update. I on chapter 24 and this my favorite book so far.

I have to ask what was the movie that Hailee went to?

We still havent taken Adi to the big screen yet. Maybe when something good comes out we will make the trip. We saw the Rat flick on a bootleg it was good.

Brooke said...

Hailee's very first movie was "Happy Feet". She loved it and just kept pointing and saying "whoooaa, woooow", it was so fun. Since then I've taken her to "Open Season". They have free movies every Wednesday for kids so that's why I've been taking her. Then you don't have to worry if they're being noisy because everyone else's kids are too, and since it's free, you can just leave if they're not into it. It's awesome!

Veronica Reeve said...

It's so fun to see how big Hailee is getting! Looks like you guys are having a great summer. We have gone to those kids movies to, Lili loves them (and popcorn helps her to stay still!) We need to get together soon!


Marcy said...

Yay! Finally an update! (Like I have room to complain). We've been watching the tour also (of course) Way to go Rasmussen! Great stage today. I love your pics. Happy belated birthdays!

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but I look at your blog often. I just wanted to tell you that you are so lucky to have what you have. I hope and pray that you thank God every night for what you have, and that he trusts you enough to be parents. I was never able to be married or have any children. That is all that I wanted in my life. I look at people like you and I envy you so much. Sometimes I get sad because I think that sometimes people like you probably don't enjoy their family like I would if I could. Because you don't know what it is like to be with out. And that maybe you take things for granted because you can have a happy and beautiful life, you don't know what it is like to be alone and find out that you can never have children. You are very very blessed. I prayed and prayed to God that I would promise I wouldn't take anything for granted and I would be the best wife and mother there was if he would grant me this one request of a family like yours. And my wish didn't come true! I have stopped wishing now. It is too late for me, but it's not for you! I just hope that you are so grateful for what you have because some people aren't as fortunate as you to be able to have such a beatiful and supportive family. I have longed for that my entire life. I wish for what you have. Please enjoy it! Love every minute of it! Time goes so fast and you will regret it later if you don't sit back and laugh and enjoy! Don't sweat the small stuff. Because you don't know what you've got till it's gone! Think about that! The next time you get frustrated or stressed out. I hope that you are so grateful and never regret anything! Thank you for sharing your beautiful and happy family with me. I consider you to be the luckiest man on earth! I hope that you feel that way to!

Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with the above comment! I lost my husband and my one year old to a car accident. It is so true "You don't know what you got till it's gone!" I regret so many things that I did and said to my family and now I can never see them again, they have no idea how much they meant to me because I never told them. I still have not been able to move on from six years ago. Please enjoy every minute! And don't do or say anything that you will regret later. Because later may never come! God Bless!