30 long years ago (July 13th), a cute little baby was born, and I’m sure glad he was. In honor of his 30th birthday, I’ve compiled a list of 30 things about Ty. I really hope this doesn’t embarrass him too much, but it’s his 30th…I could’ve done worse!
Quirks and tidbits about Ty:
1 - He is deathly afraid of snakes and has had nightmares about them on several occasions where he wakes up screaming & sweating. I think he thinks it’s an acceptable fear because Indiana Jones is afraid of them too, right?
2 - He gets “pee chills”. He explained this to me when we were dating.
3 - He does not like to be the center of attention and avoids it at all costs. He will probably hate this post for that reason.
4 - When we were dating, he told one of his friends that one of the things he likes best about me is that he never has to speak because I do all the talking. (I don’t really think that’s one of the things he still likes about me).
5 - He is VERY organized. Look around our house at any given mess and it’s never his.
6 - He can only use deodorant until it’s halfway gone, then he has to throw it away. He also has to have 4 or 5 at a time and he lines them up on his nightstand.
7 - You can reach into his left pocket at any given time and you will always find a stick of chapstick and his cell phone. His back right pocket always has his wallet and his front right always has his keys.
8 - He doesn’t eat ANY condiments. You name it: no ketchup, mustard, mayo, none. He even eats his lettuce without salad dressing on it.
9 - When he does his laundry (which I’ve been banned from doing), he stands by the dryer when the clothes are almost dry, opens the door, takes something out, shuts the door and restarts the dryer while he hangs it up. This goes on with each item until he’s done.
10 - He loves to watch the Tour de France. It’s the only sport he watches on TV (lucky me!).
11 - He insists our family arrives to church and is sitting in the pew 15 minutes prior to church start time. We’re usually there before the bishopric and organist arrive.
12 - He might kill me for this one, but he enjoys a few guilty pleasures such as having Kelly Clarkson on his IPOD and watching EVERY episode of One Tree Hill (major high school TV drama for those of you who don’t know).
13 - He is very knowledgeable about all things pop culture. I always think he should be on one of those game shows.
14 - He cried when he watched the mormon movie “Charlie” and still gets teary eyed when anyone brings it up.
15 - He’s a very picky eater…I’ll just leave it at that.
16 - He loves music. He can pick out instruments in songs that I’d never even notice. Unfortunately he can’t carry a tune. However, Rock Band’s voice tutorial has helped him improve somewhat.
17 - He enjoys going to movies alone. In fact, now he prefers it. There’s no one there to talk to him or ask him questions during the movie.
18 - He serves as computer support services to me and both sides of our families on a regular basis.
19 - He loves to analyze movies. He knows the directors and producers of all movies. He talks about camera angles and lighting. He writes movie reviews. His dream job would probably be to be a movie critic.
Why Ty is the best husband and father in the world:
20 - He’s a very, very careful and protective father. Should be interesting when Hailee is a teenager.
21 - When I’m not home to get Hailee ready, he always tries to do her hair. He uses clippies, elastics and everything.
22 - He provides the “daddy hat” or the “daddy horse” at any given moment upon request. The hat is when Hailee sits up on his shoulders and the horse is of course when she rides on his back while he walks on all fours.
23 - When I was pregnant with Hailee and puking constantly, he kept all the toilets sparkly clean, made sure the fridge didn’t have any weird smells and even bought me a knee pad to kneel in front of the toilet.
24 - He hates when I get home late from work (even 5 minutes) because then he doesn’t get to spend as much time with Hailee.
25 - He’s so involved with Hailee and has always participated in baths, diaper changes and he calls me for his “morning report” on Hailee everyday to see what she did or what she said after he left for work.
26 - He loves to just play with Hailee. Her favorite activities with him are to go on bike rides and walks.
27 - He leaves me random notes around the house all the time. Sometimes just on a post-it note saying “I love my girls”.
28 - He gives me “head tickles” almost every night while we watch TV (that’s him playing with my hair).
29 - He never says no when Hailee asks him to read to her or sing her lullabies. He even tries to make up the words if he doesn’t know the song.
30 - Every single night before bed, he goes into Hailee’s room to look at her sleeping. There’s nothing cuter.