Friday, October 17, 2008

Hailee's Been Tagged

Here are 5 things you may not know about Hailee:

She is meticulously organized and borderline OCD. It’s got to be genetic, because we’ve never really taught her these things, she just naturally does them (genetic, of course, from her dad, not her mom!). Here are some examples: She has a teeny tiny tea set that has lot’s of little pieces and she has not lost any of them yet, which has been almost a year (keep in mind she’s 2 ½). They are princess ones and she always makes sure the Belle cup is on the Belle plate and the Cinderella cup is on the Cinderella plate, etc. My parents like to mess with her and switch them when she’s not looking and she immediately notices every time! She will not allow toys in her bath water, but she does like bath toys. She lines them up all the way along the edge of the bathtub to play with them. If you take one away, she knows which one is missing. If one falls in the water, she has a total fit until it is out of the water and safely back on the edge of the tub. She lines up her food in a row before she eats it. Those are just a few things, but truly she does crazy things like this everyday!

Hailee has a good mix of introvert and extravert it her. She is always talking and loves playing with her cousins and friends, but she also likes her alone time. Sometimes when we are having a party or have a lot of people over, she’ll just disappear after awhile and when I go to find her, she’ll be in her room with her door shut reading books or something. I can’t relate to that, but I know my husband can!

She still uses a binkie at night. Someone tell me how to solve this! She loves that thing and I cannot bear to take it away from her. I’m thinking of having her use them to “buy” something at the store, but I know she’ll regret it later even if we can talk her into doing that.

She loves her little brother. We have to watch her closely because she smothers him and doesn’t realize her own strength, but it’s all out of love. She is always bringing him blankies and binkies, playing patty cake with him and running to help him whenever he starts to fuss.

Hailee never stops talking. She talks just to hear herself talk. She makes up stories and songs, even her own words when she’s run out of things to say that actually make sense. This is the area she’s more like her mother. My mom says I used to do that when I was little too (however Ty would argue that I still do).

Hailee Tags:

1) Samantha M.

2) Maren J.

3) Adelyn S.

4) Adilyn K.

5) Abby D.


Juline said...

she really is one funny little girl! I have never been tagged before...funny the first time we getted tagged it is for Adi.

Anderson said...

Parker had a binkie and we actually had him leave it for the Easter Bunny and he left him something he wanted. So that night we left them in the basket. It worked great. You could do that with Santa.