Monday, February 16, 2009

Update on Jake

Many of you have asked me how Jake has been sleeping since I recently posted a plea for help. Well, this story might sound "too good to be true", but it really is true. I knew there just had to be something I could do to get him sleeping through the night. Well, I pretty much took advice from everyone so it was a culmination of many things that probably contributed to his ultimate success. First of all, he wasn't sick. I had already had the doctor check him out. So I stopped drinking caffeine (cold turkey), limited spicy foods and dairy products, filled his tummy up before bedtime, and swaddled him. I did keep him in his own bed because I felt like if I got him used to sleeping somewhere else, then I'd have to go through this again anyway when I wanted to move him back to his crib. So anyway, on top of all those things, I took him to his doctor for his 4-month check up. That was on January 14th. He suggested I try the "cry it out" method again. He said one of the things I could do to make it easier is go in and soothe him (without taking him out of the crib) then leave for 5 minutes. If he's still crying, go back in and soothe him then leave for 10 minutes and so on adding 5 minutes each time. I decided to try it that night. As pathetic as I am, I knew I couldn't handle 5 whole minutes. I figured I'd start with 2. He was still crying after 2 minutes, so I put his binkie back in and then sat in the rocking chair in his room. This time I was going to do 3 minutes. It was awful. He was wailing and it just kept getting worse. I almost gave in, but I just stared at the clock and was waiting for it to hit 3 minutes. Well, just when I almost gave up, before three minutes hit, he stopped all of a sudden and fell asleep. He seriously slept for the rest of the night. Well, I did that for about three nights in a row where he woke up only once each night and I let him cry it out, which lasted less than three minutes each time. So now he's sleeping 12 to 13 hours a night straight. Isn't that an amazing story?!? So thank you all for your help and suggestions! All of it put together worked like a charm!


Matt and Elisa said...

I'm so glad he's sleeping! I'm a little jealous that he goes for 13hours!

Heidi said...

Oh I am so jealous! My kids never slept that long! I don't know if they do now either! haha :)

Mindi D said...

That is great! The cry it out method is way harder on moms than it is on the babies! I'm glad he is doing better, you need your sleep!!

Marcy said...

That's such great news! I've been wondering how he was doing. I've been blessed with good sleepers, but there were times I had to let them cry too.