Saturday, September 05, 2009

I'm One!

I turned one on September 2nd! I can't believe I'm so big and that I've already been around for a whole year! Here's me on my birthday (sorry about the quality, my dad took the picture with his phone). Here's what the doctor says about me:

Weight: 19 lbs. 4 oz. (Darn, I can't turn around in the carseat yet?!) - 5th percentile
Height: 28.7 in. - 25th percentile

I am crawling around all over the place. I love to eat! I don't really have any favorite foods yet. It's pretty much whatever anyone has that I don't. I don't cry much, but I scream really loud when I'm in my highchair and there's no food on my plate yet. My parents are starting to learn that the food needs to be there before they put me in the chair. I sleep really well, I take two naps a day of about 2 hours each and I sleep from 7 PM to 8 AM (unless my parents have to wake me up earlier than that to go to school). I can say a few words. My first word was "ball" because I love them, they are my favorite toy. I also know bottle (but I say it like "baba"), book, bye (and I can wave), mama and dada. I can also point to things and clap. I'm having so much fun being a baby and I'm so glad that so many people love me. I am a lucky little guy.


Jamie said...

Happy Birthday Jake!! He is the cutest!!

Ryan and Reanna said...

Happy Birthday Jake!

Whitney said...

One, already! Sheesh time flies! Happy Late Birthday, Jake!

Donahoe Family said...

What does a couple of ounces matter anyway! just feed him lunch before you go anywhere in the car - that ought to take care of those last couple of ounces! :)

Brooke said...

Oh c'mon Trish, you know us better than that!