Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Mr. Mom

Well, great news...Ty is back to work and we are back to the daily grind. I actually really loved that he had the opportunity to have this time off to spend with the kids. Also, it made my days off better because I didn't have any work to do, I just got to enjoy the kids since he did all the cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping and various needed projects around the house. It was like having two Saturday's a week too, since the whole family was home, so we got to do a lot of family activities. I know it sounds crazy, but I really am glad we had that opportunity. Besides, now he's working in Ogden, right by the hospital, so he can sometimes pick up the kids or he can swing by and pick me up for lunch. Now I just need to talk him into carpooling with me! I think it would be fun, I'm sure he thinks it would be a nightmare. I bet he enjoys his rides to and from work each day, listening to his own music and podcasts enjoying a little peace and quiet and here I am asking him to drive to work all together with a wife who never stops talking and kids screaming in the back seat. I wonder why he's reluctant? Anyway, I'm going to brag a little bit about my sweet husband here. I wanted to post some pics of his time off with the kids and all the fun things he did with them. He is the best dad and husband in the world and although I know this time was rough for him, he made the most of it and kept a good attitude through the whole thing.

First of all, this is what I left each morning as I went to work. No, Hailee doesn't always sleep in our bed, but has been crawling in around 6:30 some mornings and falls back to sleep there. As you can see, she's a major bed-hogger. So cute...
Ty braved an outing and took the kids to the Hill Air Force Base Museum.
One day, I arrived home to see this in my family room. I have never seen a fort this good in my life, I wouldn't let him take it down for three days!
Here's another one he did upstairs. That is a high quality fort!
He worked really hard on learning how to do Hailee's hair. He was starting to get pretty good at it! Here he was trying to perfect the "bump" look on the front/top of her head. Not too bad, huh? He came up with this method all on his own. I was impressed!
He even used hair accessories. By the way, this is a different day (yes, he did her hair every day).
I loved this idea. He had some huge paper they would use to color on. This is the only picture I could find. They also did one where he put it on the table, had Hailee lay down on it so he could trace her and then they drew her face, hair and clothes on it. She had that one hanging on the back of the door in her room for awhile and this one's hanging in our garage.
Plate faces. I don't know where he comes up with these ideas. So fun.
Sand paintings.
They did a lot of playing outside, even in the snow.
He also introduced the kids to the wonderful world of Lego's. He went and bought a couple sets and Hailee loves to play with them! She even put together that house and car all by herself. Can you believe I've never played with Lego's before? I'm sure my brothers had them, but I think they just weren't my "thing" when I was little. Well, we've spent plenty of hours building things with lego's over the past few months.
He even made sure to keep the kids clean.
He took them for rides in the wagon. One day, he even hooked the wagon up to his scooter and rode them around the block.
He played outside with them when the weather was warm(er).
He took them to the park.
This is only a handful of the fun things they did together. What a great opportunity for our kids to get to spend some one on one time with their dad. I just wanted to thank Ty for all that he did during this time and for staying positive and taking such great care of our kids. I love you so much babe!


Amy said...

Oh! This is my favorite post EVER! What an awesome guy Ty is to take the opportunity to really be with the kids and play "mom" while he was out of work. I don't know any guy who would do much more than plop their kids in front of the TV all day, ruin a few loads of laundry, and throw some hot pockets in the microwave for dinner. :-) So impressive. Can Chuck take daddy lessons from Ty someday?? :-) Ha ha. (I'll give Chuck the credit that he's never had the chance to PRACTICE playing Daddy.. ha ha... but I'll sure take Ty as his awesome example!)

Unknown said...

Remember back when Ty got layed off, and we talked about that line from "Sound of Music?" You know, the one that goes, and I paraphrase..."When one door closes, somewhere God opens a window." Hence, Ty's true "window" of opportunity with his own children. What an impressive, wonderful Dad he is. Your kids are so fortunate to have such an inventive, creative, loving, and responsible father.

And as for also need to be congratulated. Many moms would come home to forts like these, and freak out over the mess. You're an awesome mommy!

Marcy said...

Tell Ty I need some fort making lessons. That really is cool that he got to spend quality time with the kiddos. We as moms know that it is not a cake walk. I'm anxious to hear about the new job. congrats!

Jamie said...

I love the forts!!! You BOTH are so positive and didn't let this get you down. You set such a good example about making the most of everything. You BOTH are such good parents!!

Matt and Elisa said...

Wow! Ty is a better parent than me by far. Your kids are lucky to have the both of you. You guys always do such fun things with them. Not to take credit from Ty but he had to keep up with all the fun things you do with the kids!

Mindi D said...

I'm so glad he got a job i didn't know that! How fun for him to have a little 'time off' though :)

Nike said...


I love that you posted all of the wonderful things that Ty did for your family. Such a great reminder of our adventure last year.

Whitney said...

For the husband is amazed at the hair-doing business! I keep telling him he needs to start learning how to at least do a pony tail, but he gives up the moment he "thinks" about it! Great job Ty! SO much fun, that is a great opportunity for all of them!

Sherice said...

...and then one day, he totally saved my friend Sherice by helping her download a DVD for her lesson... Ty rocks!! Can he be my dad?? Dad's really are so much more fun than us. Funny sometimes where we find our blessings. I'm glad you have such a wonderful husband, and your kids got those special moments with their dad. Those memories, and special bonds will last forever. :) Congrats on being back to work Ty!!