Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lost! & other TV

In response to Krista's comments I am making a "Lost" post.  Yes, Brooke and I have not missed an episode of Lost this season or last.  It's my favorite show on TV right now.  Even though I never have a clue what is going on I can't stop watching it.  There are a ton of theories on the Internet and stuff, but it hurts my head to read some of them.  I think it would be a hard show to get into now that it's going, but the 1st season is on DVD and I am sure you could get the episodes of this season if you know where to look. 
For all the people who watch lost, let's pose a question.  What do you think will happen if they don't enter the numbers on the computer?
I don't think anything will happen, Jack is right and it's just an experiment. 
I have watched Dirty Jobs a couple of times and I like it, the guy that does all the Dirty Jobs is pretty funny.  It's on at weird times and I haven't set the Tivo for it yet so I check it out when I get a chance. 
We have one of our Tivo's set to record The King of Queens so we get a couple episodes each day and new episodes on Monday's.  If anyone isn't watching that show, set your Tivo because it's hilarious and you can get all the reruns.  
Another show I am watching right now that I really like is My Name is Earl.  Jason Lee from Almost Famous is in it and it's pretty funny. 
Of course I continue to watch ER, I don't really know why, it's so over dramatic.  But I watch it, even though Brooke can't watch it with me because she can't get over the fact that everything they do medically would never happen in the real world.  I guess that's what you get for working in a hospital. 
Ok so it sounds like I watch a lot of TV, but really if you have Tivo you maximize your TV watching time.  So it's not as bad as it sounds.  I am sure my Tivo will fill up when we have the baby, but how do you watch TV with a crying baby in your arms?  For my thoughts on Tivo, click here.


Anonymous said...

If you think that it is an experiment, then what is the huge magnet for that they can't reach? Also, the video mentioned other island experiments (like the polar bear). Were they all a ruse to set up the button pushing experiment?

Unknown said...

I think the island was set up as some sort of research facility. There were several experiements, which explains the other hatches, polar bear ect... I think many of the experiments went horribly wrong, which is why the magnet was cemented in and blocked off. The button pushing experiment seems to have survived because everyone is so afraid of it. But I do think Jack is right and nothing will happen if they don't hit the button.
I am sure something in this weeks episode will prove me wrong, but it's fun to speculate.