Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Rating System Explained

One Star

These are movies I feel are "Not Good". This is the worst rating I can give a movie, there will be no Zero Star rated movies. This category is reserved for movies that I hated or even movies I didn't finish because I walked out before they were over. I highly doubt I will recommend a one star rated movie to anyone and the movie will probably be full of problems that I will be sure to point out.

Two Stars

This rating is for movies that were "Ok". It means that I didn't hate the movie, but that I am probably not going to recommend that anyone see it. Although there will be some occasions that I recommend a two star rated movie with the preface to not have high expectations. There may be several problems with the film that otherwise might have made it better.
Three Stars

Basically three stars is a "Good" movie, most of the movies I review will probably receive this rating. This is the rating that I give to movies that are average, they aren't really bad, but they aren't great, so they fit right in the middle. I may recommend some of these movies and I may not recommend some of them. There will probably be a lot I like about movies with three stars but there will also be a few problems with them as well.
Four Stars

Four stars is for movies that are "Very Good", this is really the highest rating I will be giving my movies. It is going to take a lot for a movie to get four stars, they will have to be near perfect with only one or two things that I didn't like or that are wrong with the movie. I will be recommending four star movies to most if not every person who reads my reviews.
Five Stars

This rating is reserved for movies that are "Excellent" and really I will only be giving it to movies that are my favorites. It is going to be difficult for a movie to get five stars, and especially after a single viewing, in which the majority of my reviews will come. However, see the "Change Policy" explained below. Five star rated movies will be movies that I recommend for pretty much everyone and movies, that as I see it, don't have any flaws or have so many great things about them that I can overlook the possible few and minor flaws.
Change Policy
I reserve the right to change my rating of any film that I review at any time. I had a hard time deciding that I should have this policy but know that my opinion of movies will change over time, and through more than one viewing. Therefore I decided that I can change my rating based upon subsequent viewings or some other form of enlightenment as it happens. I will be sure to explain my reasons for the change of rating based on each individual change. The ratings will not be changed based on others opinions, I am careful not to allow what others think of movies to influence my rating. This is most likely the way that movies will get a five star rating, after watching a film again I may determine that it's a favorite of mine and deserving of the coveted five star rating. In fact, the major reason for the change policy is to have the ability to upgrade a movie from four to five stars.
General Rating Information
As a general rule I am probably going to like most movies based on the fact that I just really enjoy watching movies. Most of the movies I review will get a three or average rating, It takes a lot for a movie to exceed my expectations or receive a four or five star rating. In turn it takes a lot for me to hate a movie as well, most of the time I go to see movies and initially I want to like them.
As with all film critics, any reader should find one that aligns well with their own views of movies. I hope that many people will align themselves with me and agree with my reviews. However, this is not going to happen all of the time, so I encourage everyone to leave comments and let me know what you thought of a particular movie.

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