Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Harry Potter Mania

Why you should read Harry Potter and get into the hype, even though you are an adult.
Especially with the most recent Harry Potter book just released many of us are overwhelmed with "Harry Potter Mania". There is a new Harry Potter movie coming out this fall, another book in a couple of years and several more films planned. Don't think you are going to escape the hype so easily.
When I first heard about Harry Potter I didn't think I would like it, in fact I started to read the first book and had a hard time getting into it. However, I am here to say that I have been converted. I have now read all of the Harry Potter books once, some of them twice, and I have seen and own all of the released movies.
I recently read a short article that someone had written called "You, as an adult should read Harry Potter, Here's Why". I thought it was great and decided that I would write a similar article.
Note: For those of you who haven't read the books, I won't spoil anything.
1. First of all, the books are really easy to read. They are not written at a really high skill level, although you may not recognize many of the words or terms. This is good for those of us who read to relax, because you really can just get lost in the books and enjoy reading them.
2. The Harry Potter books are full of imagination and creativity. Many of the books that we as adults read are redundant and lack imagination. The Harry Potter books really have a great plot that continues with each volume and they are flooded with creative descriptions, imagery and truly original ideas.
3. These books are not necessarily written for kids. Many of the ideas in the books have moral lessons and values, something that adults as well as kids should appreciate. The lessons however are neatly disguised and the books do not "preach to you". Contrary to what many groups think, the books do not promote "witchcraft", but in fact have many good, ethical themes and lessons.
4. The movies are also really good. Of course with all movies based on books, the books are always better. It's fun to read the books, watch the movies and compare the differences. The movies are very well done but lack the detail of the books, so if you can get into the books I believe that you will enjoy the movies. Read the books for the details, but watch the movies for fun.
5. You won't be the only one and you won't be embarrassed. There is no reason to think that just because the books are highly popular with kids that you won't like them. In fact, statistics prove that most adults have read at least one Harry Potter book. Chances are that if you are "caught" reading the book you will be caught by someone who has also read the book.
6. If you have kids, they are probably reading them. We are always told to know what are kids are watching and reading. What better way to find out than to read them to our kids or along with our kids. It also will give you something to talk about with your kids, other than lecturing them, and will help build relationships with them.
7. There is a lot of depth in the books if you want it and they are very well written. As I mentioned in #1, the books are an easy read but they do have very complex and deep plots if you are looking for that. You can do research and get really into the details. Some resources are Muggle Net and The Leaky Cauldron online.
8. The books just keep getting better. Many of the critics agree that as you read the books they get better. Maybe this is due to the attachment that you will have with the characters. Truly, the first three books are good, but they are merely a setup for what is to come. The fourth book is my favorite and five and six will hook you within the first few chapters. You won't be able to put them down.
9. Harry Potter is a cultural phenomenon. Don't try to be a rebel and refuse to read the books because they are popular. Embrace the popularity and get into it, you might even have some fun. Due to their insane success these books are going to be around for a long time. Be a part of the chaos while you can.
10. It's fun to feel like a kid again. As we get older many of us forget that imagination and creativity are not just for kids. As you read the books you will no doubt form a type of sympathy for the main character, Harry Potter. It's fun to put yourself in his shoes and remember what it was like to be that age. Although none of us have the magical abilities that Harry has, it's fun to imagine what it would be like in his magical world.

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