Monday, August 29, 2005

March of the Penguins (* * * *)

March of the Penguins was a really good movie, especially for a documentary.  I highly recommend this movie to anyone, even some kids if they are into science and nature.  I am giving this movie four stars because I really enjoyed it and I think most people will as well.
Keep in mind March of the Penguins is a documentary, although a well done documentary, it is still slow moving but highly informative.  But that's what I really enjoyed about this movie, there is a ton of information regarding the penguins and their habits.
The movie does have a plot, well somewhat.  It follows a group of penguins for about a year on Antarctica.  They are followed as they migrate, breed, feed and return.  The movies central focus is the breeding habits and the way the animals raise their young.  This movie is very interesting and I really learned a lot about penguins.  I am not sure that information will come in handy in the future, but I thought it was cool.
There is some really great camera work and footage in the movie.  The people who went to Antarctica to film this really sacrificed.  The shots are clear and there are some great moments caught on film, such as when an egg falls onto the ice, freezes and cracks.  There is also great moments as the young are reunited with a parent who has been gone for a while, when the penguins find their mates and tons of other great scenes.  The content is emotional and you will find yourself drawn into the movie and the penguins as characters.
Morgan Freeman does the narration for the film and he does a good job.  He helps make the movie more interesting than it would be otherwise.  He is at sometimes funny and other sentimental.  A lot of what these penguins go through to raise their young will really astound you.
March of the Penguins is rated G, there is no questionable content.  Young kids will most likely be bored with the movie, although some older kids who enjoy educational movies will find it interesting.  This movie is similar to what you would see at an IMAX theater, just not on a big screen.  It's short, coming in at 85 minutes, although they could have made it shorter but the length didn't bother me.  Go out and see this movie on the big screen, if it's not already too late.  The impact won't be as good if you see it on DVD. 

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